Portable And Standby Generators

Portable And Standby Generators

East Coast Lumber is proud to offer GENERAC Generators. Every Generator we sell is assembled, started and tested for proper function prior to leave our facility. We also services most brands of generators. Whether it falls under warranty or just needs seasonal maintenance, we can take care of your needs.

Portable Generators: the power you need when & where you need it.
Many get their first introduction to portable generators when they need emergency power, but portable generators have many uses around the home and on the job site.

Stand-By Generators: backup power for your home or business.
Generac automatic home backup generators are permanently installed, automatically deliver power during an outage, and can back up your entire home if you choose.

Want to learn more about stand-by generators and generator services? Read our Stand-By Generator Brochure!

16 found, showing page 2 of 2

Item Description Available Price UM Mfg Part #
Powerhouse 9000w Df Generator PH9000DF Powerhouse 9000w Df Generator 3 1,199.00 / EA 750133